PLT and our COVID Times

COVID has made social connection more difficult, so we are glad to be meeting regularly again. Members are invited to attend any of our gatherings. It provides the opportunity to build strong links with each other and provide support for issues that arise in any of our lives. We also discover common themes which may be used to seek further information or find solutions and results. Food, good nutrition, social activity and exercise continue to be our focus however we also get to travel and meet members from across the state. If you would like more member contact, please get in touch. We encourage members to continue to seek clinical support for any related health issues coming up during this time. Early intervention is a winner.

Donations are continually needed to support our work and activity. While we have a number of funding submissions being considered, we need donations to provide direct assistance to members that struggle with support from other agencies especially with access to good food, but also for utilities. Any donations are tax deductible and go a long way to help.