Board Happenings

Board Activities    The Board have met a number of times throughout the year. They have   undertaken a Full member survey to help inform their decision and developed a strategic plan to help focus and guide PLT as it develops. We are represented at our National Forum although are still waiting to gain access to the Treatment Officers Network to support our busy Advocacy & Support Officer. Thankfully officers in Victoria have been assisting and we are grateful for that.  

Board Membership   The Board would like to encourage anyone interested in becoming more involved in the organisation to consider nominating as a Board member. There is always tasks that need expertise and energy. Our secretary has been very busy and we are looking at more delegation of some roles within the group. If you are able to help, please let us know.

National HIV Strategy In recent discussions with Public Health, we have been invited to be involved in further discussions and planning for the Tasmanian response to the 8th National HIV Strategy. Given the unique challenges of our island status, this is very welcome and we will look forward to representing our membership and their needs.

Have you missed us?

 Well, we have missed you because we have been rather busy.  Our membership continues to grow which stretches our work but also brings rewards in seeing the reaction of members to the new services. We have now been approved for free Telephone Interpreter Services which enables us to support a much wider group of people living with HIV and support those that are newly diagnosed but with no English language. We have continued to support people across the state and the donations we have received continue to offset some of these costs. Donations can be nominated for direct financial support for PLHIV or for Administrative costs. We will continue to run a lean organisation, so any financial support goes a long way.

Gift Deductibility

All gifts to Positive Lives Tasmania of $2.00 are now Tax deductible as we have be provided approval to be a Gift Deductible Recipient through the ATO. We have two categories of donation - those that go in full to assist PLWHIV through our Financial Assistance Program (these have no administrative fees), and those directly provided to meet our set up and running costs. We are so grateful for the donations already received and thank you all for your support.